Hello bunda, how are u? This time i will give u a good pinch cake recipe
Ingredients :
1. 150 gram triangular flour (versatile)
2. 100 grams of sugar
3. 2 chicken eggs
4. 100 ml plain liquid milk (eg Ultra)
5. 1 teaspoon baking powder
6. little essence Vanilla
7. topping according to taste: Meises, Raisins, Chocolate Chocolate / cheese
1. Mix all ingredients, stirring using a whisk balloon until slippery not bergerindil +
2. Let stand dough about 15-20 minutes so that baking powder can work maximal +
3. Heat the skillet pans cubit until hot evenly. But the aja, not too big, nep cepet burned down +
Rub each hole with margarine brush, tipis2 wrote. +
4. Put the dough into the mold, wait until half-baked, sprinkle topping, wait lg until cooked, + pingirnya brown, remove (can be lifted half-baked, more moist + menul2) -selera yaa +
5. Ready to be enjoyed as an impromptu snack / small lunch. Serve warm more deliciously!